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Total Like Achievement Gift Pack


面子书点赞礼包教学.jpg1.  How can I get my Like Gift Pack?

Dear all, guess some of you are confusing why you did not get any gift pack after liking our page? Kindly note that you will only getting Facebook Like Gift Pack once we hit our likes achievement!

Example: Our Facebookreached 4000 likes (Please check our achievement in game), everyone in game will be receiving a like gift pack! Let's build the crazy likes number together, LIKE our page now and wait for the wonderful achievement!   (〃?〃)~? 

Kindly check the tutorial below :D

Tap the Facebook icon when you have entered to the game!

It will request to open Facebook when you click the "Like"

You have liked! Let's wait for the achievement (ゝ??)


Q: I see the likes achievement has completed, and the page likes has reached as well, why I couldn't claim any gift pack from it?

A: The only answer could be answered on the question is, you have entered the server after the achievement! The gift pack has been sent to everyone as well right before you start your game