1. Building Development:
- Village building development depends on the condition to choose. Only one type of source of produce can be built at a time.
- Remaining sources can get from other methods, it helps to avoid the lacking of sources and drag down your development.
- Development of building of inner city is depending on your own, mainly is barracks, residence, and hospital. The amount of barrack will affect the speed of troop training and extra defense.
- Residence will affect the expenses on boosting of troop training and extra attack, it will also affect your gold production.
- Hospital helps to cure more wounded soldiers and increase extra HP.
- For balanced development, you should have 4 barracks, 6 hospitals, and the rest are residence. If you are the tank, you should have 2 barracks, 2 residences, and the rest are hospitals.
- When you are being attacked, your soldiers will survive and be hospitalized until they are healed and able to fight again (Low Treatment Cost).
- Moreover, if you are an offensive player, you can build no hospital in your city, and able to put soldiers into the fight instantly.
- Of course, you have enough diamond, you can remove all buildings any time, and freely set the amount of buildings during the war.
2. Technology Development:
- Technology is at the very core of your city, and it is permanent. Your soldiers die, sources be grabbed, whereas your technology will never faded. Lots of soldiers but with low technology are unable to defense the attack.
- Nothing but the powerful technology able to help you in advancing development and restore yourself, that’s why technology is crucial.
- While you are trying to research and develop any stage of technology, you must fill up the talent point of technology development. It helps you to save time, and collect all barracks’ helps to save lots of boosting items.
- Pre-stage is mainly to enhance the technology of financial, then go developing the technology of battle and defensing.
- Development in battle has to choose according to your strength and decide the sequence of developing.
- In case that you don’t have enough source and item to train various type of soldiers, you shall focus on your current team style of technology and go develop the other technology when there’s extra sources.
- You are not suggest to upgrade one technology development until max level, it will spend too much source and boosting on it.
- Furthermore, the profits will not better than others simultaneously. Other than that, your troop is controlling the miracle, you can apply for developing title, it will help you too boost some development.
3.Troops Development:
- It is decided by your technology trending, perhaps your technology is doing single line, and then you shall more train your technology trend.
- Commonly the opponent will send the troops that can restraint yours to attack, so that you need to train the other troops that can save you from this situation. It able to reduce the harm to lowest.
- Develop other troops when you have enough source, training of Lv IV troops is expensive, so that you have to choose the training amount carefully. It generally is enough by trained the maximum amount of Lv IV troops that can be sent into battle.
- In that way, you are able to progress either individual battle or team battle with Lv IV troops, to use the source on other building.
- Does it mean that lower troop is not important when there’s advance troop to use? No, it doesn’t. Lower troop is the main troop on collecting and battle spending.
- Besides that, you can use the huge amount of lower troops to put pressure upon the opponents, the higher of pressing force, the higher chances to weaken opponents. Lower troop can be trained quickly and low expenses, it allows you to produce lots of lower troops to be the tank.
- If you have enough source but without enough boosting item, you can consider to use the army factory of military base to train your troops.
- Army factory will spend double source and at the same time, it will shorten the training time as well.
- In contrast, if you have boosting but without source, you can also use the army factory.
- however, need to beware of using the source. You have to think for the others, not only you who need it. Don’t forget that the talent point of soldiers must be full, it helps you to save boosting item.
4. Officer and medal:
- The function of officer and medal is important in battle and development.
- In pre-stage, the main quest is recruiting officers that are useful in increasing the building speed, developing speed, producing speed and collecting speed.
- They don’t need to be orange type, purple type is acceptable, due to you main materials are going to use on your further recruiting.
- Pre-officers just need to assist on enhancing the development.
- In future, you try to recruit orange type with high quality officers and medals, and for the special firm officer, purple type is acceptable.
- It is really difficult to collect all orange materials (unless you’re pretty rich). Go defeat more wilderness monsters and there’s big chances to get materials and medals from the source that dropped by the monsters.
- Other than that, often participate some activities and get the rank rewards are also a shortcut to get materials and medals. Well, the pairing and effect of each medal will not be announced at here.
5. Commander:
- Firstly, let’s talk about the rapid upgrade of commander. Commander gets Exp mainly through completing every quests and battle.
- Exp of battle has low quantity but would be given for many times. For the quest, the fastest one is keep doing the troops task, because you’re able to get troop honor points as well.
- You can use troop honor point to exchange a new troop task. Make sure that there’re enough refresh items in the shop to exchange the task or you’ve enough diamonds to purchase the items while you’re going to start challenging troop task.
- Then, you purchase the item that increase the Exp received, and start challenging. When you get lots of Exp, you simultaneously receive lots of sources, and materials and medals.
- If there’s no war, you must put the talent of commander in production, development and the talent tree of training.
- When there’s a need to battle, you just need to remove the talent point, and add it to the battle talent point. It helps you to avoid unnecessary wasting.