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《 Clash of Imperial 帝国之战 》將於1月13日10點正式上線



帝國之戰 (Clash of Imperial) 是款激動人心的近代二戰時期背景軍事策略動作類遊戲,您可以在遊戲中建造基地、部署行動,並訓練您的精英部隊在戰場上與敵軍決一死戰!四方征戰,問鼎最強帝國,怎麽可以沒有你的參與?

Eyougame 2017年度首發主打全球SLG策略性建國遊戲《 Clash of Imperial 帝國之戰 》即將於11310點正式上線!!

Clash of Imperial is a SLG based on World War II story line. Build fortress, plan for strategies, and train elite troop to have a showdown with opponents on the battlefield! Conquer the battlefield, and be the king of imperial!


>>Clash of Imperial will be launching on 13/01/2017 at 10.00 UTC+8. <<

We'll all be waiting for you with our grand launching.


Android : https://goo.gl/DaakmH

IOS : https://goo.gl/XvAux1



Third Party Recharge: payen.eyougame.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eyoucoi

Website: dgzz.eyougame.com

E-mail: [email protected]